Sunday, April 14, 2013

Addressing Gentleness with Kid Gloves

Gentleness is not even one of my natural long suits, so at least I didn't have to try to have the spiritual fruit override the work of the flesh. When I was a kid, my dad said I went at things like I was killing snakes. Could be my nervous system, I don't know, but I don't have a gentle touch. I went to massage therapy school hoping to develop one, but instead, I excelled at trigger point, and sports massage; so a naturally occurring gentle touch is not going to happen in my life. A super natural one is, however; and with it, I am finding I can face an amazing amount of overwhelm and not feel like I have to fight my way through it.

Wordweb gave two definitions for the word Gentleness: 1. a gradual slope as in the "lay of the land" and 2. Acting in a manner that is mild and even-tempered. In reading these two definitions, it became obvious as to why I've had such difficulty. In our society, and this fact is a spiritual reality, we have take a gradual downward slope until the spiral is nearly out of control and heading for a deep cavern or chasm. So, clearly not a goal I wanted to implement. As to the second definition, acting, leaves it sounding rather fake or put on. A spiritual gift is a way of "being" due to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, and in my perspective, acting implies hypocrisy.

Gentleness, as I understand it, is an unselfish way of being. Gentleness doesn't fight or barrel through, yet cares and doesn't retreat; none the less. I hear many people who describe their ease in not getting involved and on the surface that may sound like a gentle, peaceful, release or letting go, and perhaps it is, but that's not what I hear in the comments and it's not what I'm seeking. YHWH correct me if I'm wrong, but gentleness is a way of getting involved without crushing, hurting, or overriding. I don't see gentleness as non-involvement, but rather a way to be involved without forcing, squeezing, ramming, or coercing.

As I said, I am no expert on this subject, which may serve to help me, in that I have no natural ability to set aside or work of the flesh to unlearn. The entire concept of gentleness is new to me. I can be gentle with children and baby animals, and that's really about it. I do know one can be gentle, yet firm, because I'm a grandma. Although I'm a marshmallow with my Grandkids, I've been known to be firm on their behalf, while still cradling them! So, I do have a frame of reference . . . but that is seriously about it. What I'm writing here is truly what I've discovered as I've searched. It seems so much spiritual and religious teaching really serves to elevate our own effort, rather than submit to the Spirit of our Creator, and I wanted the real deal, not a reasonable facsimile. Those facsimiles fall away at a time when you need them the most.

I've come to gain an understanding in gentleness through prayer and in prayer. When I pray gently, I can live gently. There are so many examples of a lack of gentleness, it was certainly easy to see what I didn't want to develop or display in my life, but that still left me wondering, until . . . I realized all I truly had to do was surrender my own stoicism and drive to the power of the Spirit of YHWH. Now, there just isn't any need to avoid involvement, nor is there reason to plow through. I don't have to be silent, nor do I have to convince. As I'm experiencing gentleness in the way YHWH deals with me, I find I can simply surrender to Him doing that through me, as well.

Right is right and wrong is wrong and I realize how little respect I have for those who do not take a stand, or those who claim all sorts of authority they truly do not have. I'm realizing a gentleness in my willingness to take a stand, in the area of truth. We've turned "the truth" into some sort of campaign or crusade and we've lost the gentleness of the delivery of truth. There are so many references to travail and child birth in Scripture and that is where I'm receiving understanding of gentleness and truth. Truth can be hard and painful, but there's no need to cause greater discomfort, especially when it comes to the truth of YHWH. New comers should be handled as new arrivals, new babes, which is with gentleness. Gentleness is a focus on helping, not on war-faring. I simply want YHWH's truth to be the focus and the rest is merely commentary or work of the flesh. Truth doesn't have to be harsh, nor does it cower, it simply stands firmly, yet gently. Gentleness is not a way of acting, it is a way of being in the likeness and reflection of our Creator. It is truly our Creator using us to touch those around us.

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