Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Gnawing Question

I've had a gnawing question for some time now, and I think I might have an answer, well actually another question . . . Anyway, I'm going to share this new question, as I believe it offers insight into my other question.

I've mentioned before that I didn't understand how Messiah would separate the sheep and goats as one good and one bad, when the yearlings of both breeds were kosher for Passover.  I just wrote an article about this as a matter of fact.  So was I making too much of this single commentary from only one account of the Gospel?   I've actually heard people say they believe Messiah lived perfectly according to the Law, but taught against it, as in clean and unclean, and well obedience in general . . . Troubling to say the least.

Matthew 25 is the only reference to separating the sheep and goats, and that chapter contains parables concerning the return of Messiah.  It wasn't until this recent flap in my neighboring state that this thought occurred to me.  What if Messiah was sharing a prophetic parable about those who trust fully in the Father and those who are trusting in the government of a so-called Christian nation?  Think about it for just a moment.

If Oklahoma has a satanic symbol in it's Courthouse, Oklahoma, mind you; what does that say about the conservative political power of this country or any country?   For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, here in America, the political parties are making no difference in the direction of our nation.  The difference between sheep and goats in this passage, was clear.  The goats didn't see any needs, whereas the righteous [sheep] actually helped the poor, and the hungry.

Could it be that Messiah's reference of separating sheep and goats was prophetic?  

And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.   Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

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