At one time I truly thought I'd be establishing a community here in Goshen, but alas, I am a part of a divided house. Which for now, seems to be the way of believers, as well. It could be, there will be others of divided houses join me as we already have experience in observing around a major difference . . . but I'm thinking this place can also be a sort of rest stop and information center regarding the specifics. I'm halfway between Tulsa and Springfield, so I can offer the Word of Faith folks a kosher meal and directions, east or west. I'm also about halfway between Dallas and St. Louis, about halfway between Omaha and Little Rock, as well as Phoenix and New York City; just to name a few. This could be a true rest stop for those looking for communities of like minded believers . . . like minded; being the operative.
Even amongst those of The Way [Torah observant believers of Messiah] there are differences. Some believe the month begins at the concealed moon, while others hold to the conjunction, and others, the sliver. There are some who believe the month begins with the full moon, and some believe every new month begins on a Sabbath. Then there are those folks who use the preprinted Jewish calendar: Hillel. By paying close attention on social media, I will be able to offer general directions in the search for others along the lines of just the calendar.
There is also the issue regarding Sabbath. Some believe Sabbath begins at sunset, while others hold to their Sabbath observance beginning in the morning on the seventh day. Then there is the crowd that says it was done away with at the cross . . .This can be a real divider because Sabbath regulation involves everyone within the gates, so regardless of who is right, and we all believe we are . . . folks need to be on the same page with that one. Obviously, the non-observers will either be few in number seeking here, or I will be able to send them due east or west. As for the other divisions, I'll be able to offer a few supplies and directions.
I've also had to face another fact about myself. Not only am I in a divided house, but even alone, I'm not all that popular. I seem to annoy most folks, and not really sure why. I'm a sort of novelty or curiosity and "the new wears off," fairly quickly. Again, those of a divided house may be just thankful for the fellowship, and the escape of isolation, but most will probably prefer to keep moving. Even though I'm a socially awkward odd duck, I can still serve in a very sociable way.

I can see a similar one for the Land of Goshen.
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