We can talk all day long about what we believe, but when it comes right down to the brass tacks, our actions speak much louder than our words. I've learned in nearly 20 years of ministry that there is a new works of the flesh that is counterfeiting faith and that is to include many of the works of the flesh as "tools" used by YHWH. So much that is claimed to be faith and compassion is actually an incorporation of our societal works of the flesh into our religion of tradition, based, as usual, on pride and blame.
Faith requires a set apart way of life. I'm not talking about being perfect, but I am talking about not living like the rest of society. We seem to have almost turned judgment and discord inside out and attempted to sanctify our own behavior or cry "foul" when something we claim to be of YHWH goes blatantly against His Word. Some of us can justify judging the gossipy Sunday School teacher, while our lifestyle is giving her something to gossip about. It's almost become like a religious teeter totter on a public play ground. The internet has greatly fed this, I believe, because basically, we can all type as fast as our fingers will go, the amazing insight and special observations we have to offer, while truthfully no one can see what we actually live. The critical fact is, we live what we actually believe.
It seems in every generation, a new approach and "style" to Scripture is embraced. I can't help but draw an interesting connection to Ephesians 4:11-12, historically. There is an order to it, but in that order, a disorder develops. We shall see what transpires this time. And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Messiah: These calls are not just titles, they are responsibilities that are not to be taken lightly.
In the 50's and 60's this country was full of evangelists. Now some were faith healers, some were crusaders, but the term evangelist was used, and they filled stadiums and civic halls with "good people." Summer revival meetings filled the land and socially "defined" the third office listed in the passage in Ephesians 4. The 70's, brought religious TV to an entirely new level and through that time the evangelists were aging and the new generation was breaking away from their traditional teachings of Seminary trained pastors with Dr. or Rev. in front of their names and these young men were becoming pastors of "non-denominational churches," while taking many of their man-made traditions with them. Some of those young men founded what we now recognize as the mega-church, and are now middle aged senior pastors. Many of them have never left where they started, only to expand their buildings to accommodate their unquestioning crowd. I can't say where their "credentials" came from, but their followers seemed to embrace the maverick approach, which has now become mainstream. Of course, the traditional denominations continued sending their young men to seminary, but clearly the trend was moving away from the traditional church, just as the evangelists had done in the previous generation.
The Pastors of 80's and 90's brought us a new kind of Bible college that wasn't called seminary and their young proteges have continued in "the work," while the next up and coming generation to "get the vision" have begun to once again to embrace the value of the Hebrew Scriptures, so we're now embarking on a generation of young men choosing Hebraic names and calling themselves, Rabbis.
To be honest, I'm still waiting and yearning for the full faith, five fold ministry. Will it be one from each generation? I honestly don't know. Will it be this next generation that hasn't yet reached the age of accountability? I don't know, but I do know what we are lacking in faith, every generation is trying to make up for in words. The kingdom of G-d is not in word, but in power. Faith without works is dead. Sometimes, I wish someone could say, "I know which 3 verses together along with these specific four mitzvot, all gathered at such and such a Feast will yield us what we are seeking . . ." but you know what? That would be every work of the flesh from pride to heresy to witchcraft! That would be placing our faith in our faith! We need to place our faith in YHWH.
I'm seriously seeking, on this matter, myself. I've been talking with YHWH and listening in regard to the reality of Ephesians 4:11, for well over a decade. I do believe there is significance to the Holy Day, Shavu'ot, that we are approaching and I have no doubt, we need to have our "temples" clean and in alignment with the Word of YHWH, but there is also something else that is amiss. Torah was given on Shavu'ot, as well as the Holy Spirit at that gathering in Jerusalem for the Holy Day, and it may be as simple as an obedient gathering based upon the Word of YHWH rather than the traditions of man; to become the witnesses unto Y'hshuwah that He said His followers would be. I've already been rebuked on Facebook for this notion, so I received that as confirmation. I'm even more hopeful, it's this unselfishly simple!
I am corrected regularly about G-d using doctors, told that we need "under G-d" in the pledge of allegiance, and hear we simply must IN GOD WE TRUST on the money, not to mention patriotism, special "new codes" in Scripture, and numerous ministries against something. I'm not trying to talk anyone out of their beliefs, I'm just saying it should seem clear that so many espousing the answer, can't demonstrate the results. I think we're settling for less than YHWH wants to give us, while still making it more difficult than simple faith and obedience. I believe our Creator wants us to "get it." We are called to publish and proclaim the Good News, that's being a witness unto Y'hshuwah, which means Yah is salvation. Understanding Scripture doesn't require a decoder ring, it requires seeking YHWH with our whole heart and His Spirit will teach us.
7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. 9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. John 15:7-10
Faith is not only a fruit of the Spirit, but it's also a gift of the Spirit. I truthfully believe YHWH is willing to actually pour out His Spirit on those who will humbly and obediently prepare themselves to receive Him.
We don't need titles and religious procedures, nor do we need to find others less pious than ourselves. We need faith!
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