YHWH has laid it upon my heart some time back to discuss at length in a series style presentation, some facts pertaining to the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy. I began to seek and search some time back and even planned to present a teaching from the website: The Land of Goshen but I just couldn't get quite settled into where I was supposed to be going with it, but I knew it was supposed to be interactive and well beyond my presentation. Well, now, some significant time later, I have insight and direction in this matter.
Every week for a time, and Deuteronomy 28 is quite a lengthy chapter, I will be posting what I am shown and would invite comments, observations, and discussion to our new forum board. I know two things right now that I must emphasize.
About twenty years ago, and I've commented before on this fact. The entire mega-church movement got all excited about Deuteronomy 28:12 and the first half of verse 13. Turn on TV church, it was there, visit an evangelical congregation, it was the topic. I think it was the subject of many mega-church up and coming pastors, and I think preaching the first half of verse 13 without the second half was the division that created first the crevice that became a chasm in the the economy of America.
After reading about Korah in Numbers, this week in Torah, this subject must be broached, as well as the current events we are watching unfold around us. I'm going to be honest here. Although I do believe the wheels were already in motion and the love of money was already reigning in this country, the audacity to arrogantly claim and proclaim the promises listed in Deuteronomy 28 without offering the complete truth of the matter or the fullness of the covenant, has caused us to fall under the judgment and reap the curses of the other part of this chapter.
Since this was a covenant between YHWH and His covenant people, I don't believe America would be in such dire straights now, if we hadn't pridefully declared this passage to apply to us, specifically our economy . . . Rather than humbly make this passage our foundation for an understanding of cause and effect, we chose, just like Korah, to exult our own agenda and expect our Creator to meet our demands.
I believe we can still seek forgiveness, but it will require repentance. I was shown some years earlier, as a nation, we will not repent, but individuals can "come out from among them and be separate."
Bring your Bible and your insight to the discussion at Blessings or Curses
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