Deuteronomy 28 is not addressing salvation, it is instruction for making clear choices in this life, on this earth; with very clearly detailed results, blessings or curses.
The chapter begins by stating very clearly that obedience is the fundamental platform for success. These instructions are to the people of YHWH. It's not about salvation! It's for those who have already come out of bondage. The Instructions are not about obtaining grace. Grace is given by YHWH in His mercy and love. The terms vary but are generally recognized as born again, saved, delivered, and are already a child of YHWH. The Instructions are for followers of Messiah. If the Instructions are obeyed by those who are serving YHWH, and following Messiah; there will be no need for dependency upon anyone or anything, beyond YHWH. Sadly, if the Instructions are not followed, even utter dependency upon everything from agencies to systems, to begging, will not provide a blessed life.
And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt
hearken unto the voice of YHWH thy G-d. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field.
Just two quick points I'd like to make as we consider the promises in this passage. One, location is irrelevant, as in city or country; but it is relevant to where YHWH wants each of us. I've been led to be in the country, so if I chose otherwise, I would be in disobedience . . . Others may be led to be in the city, and that's where they need to be. YHWH established Israel to be interactively communal while being in obedient dependence upon His provision.
Society was designed by YHWH to be "shared," if you will. Someone in the country could provide their own food, as well as use that to obtain goods in the city. Those in the city would use their talents to produce goods for those who did not possess the same talents and abilities. It's not been so long, even in our culture, that "milk and eggs" obtained everything from clothing to land. Money was only the tool of exchange when the real exchange wasn't possible, or involved more in the transaction. Y'hshuwah emphasized this concept with the parable of the talents. The promise of blessings covered both rural and urban . . .
Can you imagine being "overtaken" with blessings. I'm not complaining about my life, at all, I am content, but can you imagine, just imagine, blessing coming on us, overtaking us. I see a real overflowing in that passage. Like Peter's shadow in the book of Acts. To walk in the blessed presence of YHWH, in such a way it would touch others, unmistakably. I also see this as the realization that we need ask nothing for ourselves.
Blessings coming on us and overtaking us is knowing He will see to our need. Our prayer without ceasing, would simply be giving praise and giving thanks, and asking how He would like to use us to bring Him more glory!
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