Really, the inspiration for the Goshen Gazette came to me in regard to the passage in John that states, "You shall the know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
This link indicates the mainstream media is hardly free to ask questions. I've noticed through the past few administrations that our leaders simply do not entertain questions they don't choose to answer. I love the way this administration and the last one threw around the term, "transparency" in all the political smoke and mirrors.
I've had a heart for journalism since I was a young girl. I remember being on the school news paper in Jr. High, as a matter of fact, it was a few guys and I that approached the Language Arts teacher about having a school paper. One of those guys became a pro for a sizable newspaper in the Midwest. Then there was the mock election in the 8th grade, with full coverage of course. McGovern won!
I enjoy the paradox of which YHWH has blessed me to live. I never repeat anything told in confidence, but I do everything in my power to report information we need to be aware of. I truly thought I'd missed my opportunity in journalism, but I was wrong. This was not just a passing interest in school, it was something my Creator put in me. He knew when He created me, what our media would become. Too much reporting that amounts to nothing more than Enquirer articles disguised as news. There is a great deal of control over our information, simply based on money and a centralized power agenda.
We are blessed to have so many bloggers and alternative news sources, at this time. Sure, we don't get everything right all the time, but I can say from the bottom of my heart and before the throne of my Maker, I will do everything within my power to make the retractions and revisions of the Goshen Gazette receive the same headline as the article in error. This particular publication is indebted to no one, but the staff is aware that we will be held accountable for every idle and inaccurate word published.
We, here at the Goshen Gazette do enjoy freedom of the press, because we are free. We're not "free" from YHWH's glorious instructions, we are free from the pressure of losing our voice if we don't play political mainstream media. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36
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