Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Capital "L" in Living

I noticed a comment in social media that really gave me a new perspective, as to how the love of money has become the dismal abyss of our society.  An image was posted referencing a grave, and basically saying "we can't take it with us."  The comment that caught my eye was "So we should serve the G-d of the Living," but  the photographs that had been posted by this individual reflected more of a ideology of Living LARGE!  So that really got me thinking about our entire socio-economic outlook.  Rather than an economy with a foundation, it is an ever precarious house of cards built over a sink hole.  A society with debt as it's foundation, perpetual motion as it's driving force, and self-serving greed as it's motivation, epitomizes the parable of sinking sand.

The popular teachings of our society, religion included, seem to be trying to appeal to those who want to put the Capital "L" in living.  We've reversed so many meanings in our redefinition and political correctness, the idea of serving self by living large has invaded just about every area of our lives.  I speak with young people who are completely comfortable starting life in thousands of dollars of debt, and looking for the next available assistance.

There have always been those who will live above their means, and have an insatiable quest for even more. They are living proof, that there is nothing new under the sun, but this self focused insatiable search for more extravagance while referencing G-d seems to be a whole new level of mockery.

I am amazed on social media, the number of people "teaching the Bible" while dependent upon government provision to afford them this amazing amount of time for the internet.  I'm not saying some of these people are not offering valuable commentary, but I've yet to hear any of the teach on the passage that says, "if you don't work, you don't eat."

I know, the golden calf was a mess of a celebration supposedly to honor the G-d of the living.  Seems He didn't feel so honored.Too many in our society have the idea, this economic sinkhole is a never ending "well of supply."

 The G-d of the living does take care of those who are living for Him, but it's not up to us to tell Him where to put the "Capital!"

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