Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tune In Your Mishdar

We, mishpocha are connecting and YHWH has promised an ingathering.  Mishdar is a contraction for Mishpochah Radar.  There are many tell tale signs you know.  First, look in the mirror . . .  If you don't see any, look in your Bible . . .

If you are male, you are probably sporting facial hair a.k.a. a beard.  Your clothing is probably whatever is appropriate for the work you do, because we have all been given talents to work to support our families.  It has been the opinion of this servant of the Most High Elohim, that the men of YHWH, in the last days will be wearing work clothes.  So unless you're one of those guys that got all into the costumes of the HRM some time back, your clothes are probably fairly ordinary, but . . . you have tzitzit.  More than the outward differences, though, your countenance, your way of dealing with others, is different.  It may be your expression that reveals it, it may be your eyes.  I'm going to say it can vary, but the light of Messiah will shine in your life.  There is a gentle strength, a strong humbleness; some dichotomy of character portrayed only by men who follow Y'hshuwah.

Now, if you're female, automatically, it's going to be more complicated, because that's how we're made!  The headcoverings alone are so varied, there are videos about how to wear them.  We range from kerchief sort of covering to hair wound up and all you see is covering.  I go almost the full range of headcoverings in any given week.  Usually my hair is showing beneath my headcovering, but in the summer time, I'm all wound up and tucked!  Most of us wear skirts, I think, but again that varies also.   Modesty is emphasized, yet of course that is interpreted in a variety of ways from length of sleeves to neckline to hemline.

I even have two different ways of wearing tzitziyot.  I have some I just fasten on to the bottom of my blouse if it has a separated hem at the seam, since my broom skirts have no corners as per command in Numbers.  Now, if my blouse has a straight hem, with no corners, I have a white cotton "belt" that has tzitziyot.

Just in reading this I am reminded we must not quibble over these minor differences, in that they are not specified in Scirpture.  Y'hshuwah gave the "secret code" for tuning in the Mishdar:   Here's the way to recognize His people.
By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  John 13:35
Paul actually linked our love for each other to Torah in Romans 13:8,10
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loves another hath fulfilled the Torah . . .Love works no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the Torah.

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