Sunday, November 24, 2013

Looking Forward Only!

The mark of the high calling.  Acceptance of the fact, the past cannot be changed.  Loose ends tied up.  Thankfulness for the things I do not have to change, and the realization that reality is not defined by the emotions of others.  Looking forward to this life until YHWH leads otherwise or my numbered days are accomplished, or both . . .

Friday, I completed my bucket list.  The first thought that entered my mind with the realization is, "Do we die when our bucket list is all checked off?"  Who has a bucket list all checked off, that I can ask?  Interestingly, a checked off bucket list doesn't mean I've accomplished all I want to do.  In my case, it means I've moved from events and single experiences to lifestyle.  With the exception of the Second Coming, I'm not awaiting a particular "special event."  I've made peace with a few things I can't change that really make my life more peaceful than all my effort to accomplish what I had no control over, in the first place.

A few things were removed from my bucket list years ago, as simply no longer being something I wanted to do.  I no longer desire to go sky diving.  I have no desire to water ski or snow ski.  When I retired my Passport because of the RFID chips, and to homestead, I gave up the idea of a romantic cruise with my soul mate.  No way, could I in good conscience, leave someone to deal with all the projects I keep going on the homestead!

This past Special Edition was something I'd wanted to do, but hoped for a different result for years.  I truly had hoped at one time that I would find that one piece of obvious evidence that proved or disproved beyond a shadow of a doubt, what happened that day 50 years ago, in Dallas.  I have a real heart for investigative journalism and I want to find the truth.

Back when I was a Funeral Director, I worked directly with the Coroner's office for the 3rd largest county of indigent burials west of the Mississippi.  In a nutshell, that meant much of the information for a death certificate was a result of investigation, rather than being provided by a family member or close friend.  Often these individuals were simply found dead on the street giving us little clue of where they even lived or from where they had come.  It was my personal goal to fill in every blank space on the Death Certificate.  I did everything in my power to obtain the history of that human who often times had no one but cemetery maintenance men and a funeral director in attendance for their final disposition.

In fifty years, I didn't solve the Kennedy assassination, in my understanding it is still an unsolved mystery.  What I have discovered through the years is, the Warren Report might as well be blank spaces on a Death Certificate, and what I discovered Friday was an ugly reality to this mystery.  I don't believe the official report and that is the closed door in this case.  I don't have one moment to spare from being busy about my Father's business, and He already knows "who dun it."

My bucket list ended with a single event to accomplish.  I truly hope every day for the rest of my life is led step by step by my Creator, following Messiah.  Forward is the lifestyle!

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