Sunday, January 26, 2014


We speak frequently of our Creator opening doors, but I'm not sure that is not a religious idiom in which we create context . . . Undoubtedly, Scripture speaks of YHWH opening doors, no man can close, but that same passage also mentions closing doors, no man can open.  The Revelation 3:20, records Messiah's offer that we must open the door to Him.

As we speak of "as in the days of Noah," we must also include the fact that YHWH shut the door on the ark.  I know in my own life, so many times, I've gotten in the way of YHWH closing the door.  It feels terrible.  Many of us have figuratively beaten brick walls trying to make doors, in our spiritual walk, but this is something different.  How often do we tug and tug on a doorknob when the door has been closed or was never meant to be open for us at all?  What I'm referring to here, is being faithful in allowing doors to close, before we see the one He's opening, or perhaps He's not planning on opening one for a time.  Or maybe, just maybe, we are so focused on the closed door, we don't see the open door . . .

There are times, in Scripture, even the Bible big names were called away for a time of separation and growth.  Noah didn't set foot on the ark until he was 600.  Moses received his call at 80, after 40 years of tending sheep.  Elijah was fed by ravens in the wilderness.  Even Messiah, had alone time with The Father.  My heart is always troubled by a closing door, and it shouldn't be.  I'm still working on faith in that area.  We have to make sure we are not blocking a door, YHWH is closing.  I sure don't want my fingers or toes caught in the closing door.

I have been in some situations in ministry as well as personally, in which I have literally cried out in prayer, telling Abba, I just couldn't bear to watch the calamity that would ensue from disobedience or rebellion.  When He answers that prayer by closing a door, it's up to me to remain obedient and faithful in my love for the person, yet acceptance of that closed door.

As these end of days continue to unfold toward violence and anarchy, I find myself with this thought at random times.  What went through Noah's mind as he prepared the ark and the animals as the world around him was obviously chaotic?  What went through Noah's mind that day the ark was all loaded and the door closed?

And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as G-d had commanded him: and YHWH shut him in.  Torah of Holy Scripture

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