Sunday, February 2, 2014

G-d, Family, Country

Is not a Scriptural concept.  G-d is G-d, alone, and as for the other two . . . Sadly, even Israel included, there is no country that lives by the Laws of our Creator.  America actually flaunts that fact with the predominant religion even teaching that G-d's laws have been rendered obsolete.  As for family, that continues to be redefined by man-made laws that are exclusionary of G-d's plan if not in outright, overt rebellion.  We are absolutely not called to disrespect the land in which we live, nor are we to dishonor our family, but compromise to appease is another matter.

As our nation and world continue to redefine right and wrong, we need to remember, we are not changing what G-d has already said.  We need to get back to actually understanding what we say we believe.  The three major religions of the world claim to be of Abraham.  Judaism and Christianity both cling very dearly to the "promise of Abraham."  Abraham was told by the One True G-d, to leave his family and his country.   Now YHWH had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:  And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.  So Abram departed, as YHWH had spoken unto him . . . Genesis 12:1-4a

This was spoken to Abraham before Ishmael or Isaac were every thought of.  Which is why we need to realize, the descendants of Ishmael will "enjoy" a certain blessing due to the covenant YHWH made with Abraham.  The rest of us need to realize, while we hold to the "promise" portion of the covenant, family and country may not be included in the deal for us, either.

I delight in seeing entire families of Christians come into the fullness of Torah observance, as well as Jewish families embracing Messiah, but that isn't how it will be for everyone.  Messiah said in the last days, our enemies will be of our own house and a prophet will not be received in his own country.  All four of the accounts of the gospel include his statement regarding those who sound the warning.  Matthew and Mark also recorded Messiah telling his disciples how much may be required to give up.  At least the priorities, rearranged drastically.

Through social media, the full gambit of religious and non-religious views are expressed, especially as these end of days unfold.  As I said, I am thrilled for those in which the entire family moves forward in their seeking together and I'm saddened as I watch many families simply compromise to maintain the family.  Some of us will not receive the promise of Abraham without making the same move he did.  Y'hshuwah gave every indication that it would still be fine.  He even said, our family is those who do the will of the Father, so even if we are not included in natural family and feel like we're going unheeded in our country, we are simply being used in the fulfillment of prophecy/

 And Y'hshuwah answered and said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's,  But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.  Mark 10:29-30  

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