Sunday, February 23, 2014

Just the Truth

Goshen Gazette, Goshen Media, and the Land of Goshen were founded with what I now recognize as a recurrent theme.   I base this on truth, as I understand it today.  I haven't always valued honesty as I do today.  Growing up, secrets were justified as not airing dirty laundry.

At church . . . well we all know the number of denominations are based upon their interpretation, and the doctrinal tradition becomes what is called truth.  Synagogue is another story, all together, as the traditions openly override Torah.  That caused me to run the other direction.  I'm not justifying my actions in that move either, but if you're going to live a defeated life with your religion oppressing you over your past, you might as well live a defeated life your own way . . . or at least that was my thought for a time.

When I truly heard my Shepherd, all that changed.  G-d cannot lie . . . nor does He get confused or write confusion!  It was that day, that I began to realize I truly cannot live my life on the "word" of religious leaders, political leaders, and news reports.  I had to know the truth, especially, if I was going to be ready to share the truth!  I've also learned, learning this, seems to be a continual learning progress.  There is still information that, although may be true; does not need to be repeated.  That goes in the gossip category, and that includes much of today's news and many religious discussions.

As our rights are eroding, information is filtered, and prosperity is preached, I feel compelled to proclaim the truth.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free . . . If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.  John 8:32, 36

There is no defense for a lie . . . and the Truth needs no defense.

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