Sunday, March 2, 2014

Prayer and Dedication

Muslims are much more dedicated to their beliefs than most American Christians or Jews.  I didn't say all, but most.  Here in America, I hear the complaints that Muslims are catered to, with prayer calls and foot bath stations, but the fact is, they insisted that these things were important.  What if a believer was upfront in a job interview and said, "I can't work Sabbath, but I'll take an extra shift or cover Sundays?"  What if American Christians quit complaining about public education and started educating their own children, en mass?  What if American Jews quit focusing on politics and actually on Scripture to accomplish "tikkun olam?"  What if the other two Abrahamic religions became as dedicated as the sons of Ishmael?  

The fact is, the prophets and apostles were that dedicated.  They took a stand!  How many Americans who claim to be believers will allow themselves to be silenced for a paycheck?  For years in a town where I served in inner city ministry, I would receive calls from Christians who asked me to come speak with a child or meet with someone, because their job prohibited them of speaking of their religious beliefs.  Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.  Matthew 10:32   Although I was a member of  one of the traditional synagogues, but a believer in Messiah, I was never called upon to lead prayer publicly until the last time I served with the Jewish community at the food kitchen, before relocating.

The book of Acts mentions "prayer times" and the apostles participated.  The Abrahamic religions that claim to serve the G-d of Israel need to reassess our level of dedication.  It is our G-d who is to be feared!  I'm not suggesting we don Pharisee garb and stand out on the street corner saying long prayers, but we must refuse to be silenced.  In reading the 119th Psalm, I came across a verse I truly want to implement in my life. I give thanks throughout the day, and of course when I see a prayer request, I stop and pray, but this verse affected me differently this month when I read it.  Psalm 119:164  Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments. 

Giving thanks and offering prayer on another's behalf is definitely to be done by the children of YHWH, frequently, even spontaneously.  Pray without ceasing.  I Thessalonians 5:17  This time when I read it, I gained an understanding to "set apart special times every day to offer praise."  Establishing set apart times as a priority throughout my day.  I have to confess, it's been a challenge to keep all of the appointments.  Some days have been easier than others, but it seems so vital to my walk at this time.  It seems imperative that I become disciplined in this, not for the sake of ritual, but for reverence to the One True G-d of Israel.

In studying this matter of prayer, Y'hshuwah gave us the perfect example, of course, on Passover.  The day  began with the Passover seder that evening with His disciples.  He spoke a blessing over the bread, He gave thanks for the wine, the entire 17th chapter is a prayer that YHWH would be glorified, and for His followers. We read of three separate prayer times in the Garden of Gethsemane . . . then Luke records His prayers on the cross.  Then said Y'hshuwah, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots . . . And when Y'hshuwah had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.  Luke 23:34, 46

Seems if I'm going to take up my cross and follow Him; appointed, set apart prayer time is vital.

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