Sunday, April 27, 2014

What if Jeremiah Were Alive Today in America?

We speak so boldly as we "identify" with prophets and apostles of old, but the reality is, there is nothing new under the sun, and to date, I haven't seen anyone walking on water or raising the dead.  The fact of the absence of folks walking in supernatural power has me searching my own life.  I've been blessed to witness healings and deliverances, even be used in some, but it's hit and miss occurrences.  The need in this society, for healing and deliverance is ever present, and I know YHWH is omnipresent and omnipotent.  Since the opportunity abounds and the power is available, the glitch must be in the servant.  I truly long to be used of YHWH in His Plan.  I already know His plan for me is not terribly glamorous!  If I'm obedient, it will be glorious, unto Him!

The word "abomination" is mentioned ten times in the writings of Jeremiah.  The term "abomination" is addressed and defined in 30 references through Torah.  Jeremiah's use of the word, is based upon the definitions found in Torah.  The bottom line is, homosexuality and eating unclean animals were both called an abomination in Torah.  G-d's Word stands forever.  Jeremiah would not be politically or religiously correct.

Jeremiah used the term "iniquity" 24 times.  The definition of iniquity is quite blunt:  perversity, depravity, and the consequences thereof.  "Iniquity" appears 34 times in Torah.  The New Testament also references "iniquity" which is translated from the Greek term anomia:  lawlessness.  Sadly, most American churches now teach and uphold lawlessness, so he'd certainly not be a popular speaker of the trending ear tickling.  Here in America, there would probably be no stadium crowds or even much of a welcoming committee.

This bold prophet actually had the nerve to use the word "sin" over forty times in the books that bear his name and his lament.  Whether we call sin, sin; or give it a euphemism like transgressions, mistakes, oversights, errors, blunders; the Sovereign Creator of the Universe still calls sin, sin!  Our attempt to redefine, rationalize or sugar coat it, doesn't change the offense or the consequences in any way.   That was Jeremiah's message!

Jeremiah was cast into a pit and is often referred to as the "weeping prophet."  If he were here today, undoubtedly he would bear a mental health label and possibly be hospitalized as well as medicated.  I've already seen that take place . . .   Jeremiah's writings would not make the "best seller's list!"  America has preachers who openly declare they will not address or identify sin and others who clearly teach against Torah.  I've actually heard with my own ears a couple of the authors in this section.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;  II Timothy 4:3

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