Sunday, May 25, 2014

Opportunity or Distraction?

Many of us are sensing a move of YHWH, and with that positive move of our Creator, for the faithful obedient, will also come the backlash for those who rebel.  The change and effect will be both great and terrible!  We are coming to a place in our culture that the evil is so prevalent, it's going to be difficult to tell the difference between "good" and G-d!

Whether it's health issues, employment, family relationships, wealth, or "necessities vs. luxuries" we see big change in the making.  The children of YHWH, which are those who follow the commandments of YHWH and bear testimony of Y'hshuwah, will need discernment and wisdom in determining whether they are the blessings of YHWH or bondage of this world.  I'd like to share a few of basics for recognition, although; we each must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

If the situation presented can be accomplished with no compromise regarding the commandments of YHWH and the testimony of Y'hshuwah, then it probably is an opportunity to step further into our Heavenly Father's plan.  Torah tells us we are to take the word of two witnesses.  If it breaks no commandment and you can openly take Y'hshuwah, then it sounds like an opportunity.  If there is a penalty for either of those, then further consideration must be made as to whether you are being given an opportunity to be a "Daniel" or choosing to compromise.  If you think by making a compromise you will enhance your witness or opportunity to serve, you are simply mistaken.  

Do not simply dismiss the opportunity presented as "against your religion," as it may be an opportunity to take a stand before unbelievers or even in a "hostile environment."  Make no mistake, most Americans in America haven't seen anything yet, when it comes to a "hostile environment."  Then again, most Americans in America have been programmed to believe some intentional sin is acceptable . . . even a blessing, especially when it comes to the issues listed above.  We will not experience the deliverance received by Daniel, if we do not take the bold stand he did.

In reading Exodus 15:26 and the plethora of passages that address health, with the specific instruction given in James 5, even those of faith often vacillate in their professed conviction where health care is involved.  The three biggest problems in health care in general are our sedentary lifestyle, non-kosher diet, and disobedience regarding Sabbath.
And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of YHWH thy G-d, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am YHWH that healeth thee.  Exodus 15:26
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of Y'hshuwah:  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and YHWH shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.  James 5:14-15

Health issues arise for most of us, but a Biblical diet and proper exercise really do make a difference . . . along with Biblical rest.  It seems so much of our society is based upon the perpetual motion of consumerism and material possessions. The weekly Sabbath is the cessation of our perpetual motion of buying, selling, and working.  The New Testament tells us repeatedly that Messiah Y'hshuwah kept Sabbath, and was continuously accused of being wrong in the way He it.  He was falsely accused of wrong observance because He came to show us true obedience from the heart over religious ritual.  Keeping the Sabbath holy affects all of the issues we face in this 24/7 society, as we determine whether something is an opportunity or a distraction.  

YHWH is calling His people out of mainstream cultural norm, not only in health, but also to Sabbath keeping, boldness in family expectations, and acceptance of rejection, as well as accumulated wealth, unnecessary expenditures, and debt.  Many of us will receive the opportunity to do as Daniel did and some of us will choose the distraction that will stumble us, mistaking it for a blessing.

It does seem when a servant of YHWH is sensing a change and moving toward fulfillment of their call, two "opportunities" arrive, one is the plan, the other is the detour.  The one from YHWH seems the most unsure, while often; the detour appears to be the socially or religiously respected next step.

He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.  I John 2:6