Sunday, May 11, 2014


The other morning I went out just after dawn to let the chickens out and realized a young buckling had gained access to a fruit tree.  So, I blocked his access and I returned indoors.  As the day continued to brighten, I was fixing coffee looking out the kitchen window when I noticed the goats from the east pasture were out front . . .  Realizing something was amiss, I headed back outdoors.  Two young bulls were also in the east pasture and I wanted to account for their whereabouts.  They certainly did not need to be rubbing the siding off my house.  Then, I remembered before dawn, hearing a real raucous outside and knowing I'd given directions to several strangers in the last couple of months, the thought that someone had been on the place crossed my mind.

There had also been visitors the day before, and I thought perhaps the gate had not been fastened properly.  It's a typical farm 16 foot, tube gate with the chain fastener.  There have been occasions in which it simply wasn't fastened properly, but that isn't what I found when I went to investigate.   The gate was latched properly.

The wind was very intense that morning, but it pretty much has been for the past two weeks, not really unusual for this time of year.  As I headed around the side of the house, I was absolutely shocked.  I've never seen anything like this and still have no explanation except a message from our Creator.  The gate was still fastened, but it was off of it's hinges.  I truly wish I'd have thought to take a photo, but I was entirely too shocked.  The calves were still in the back and the goats from that pasture were clearly confused about how to get back.  They had escaped through the hinge side of the gate.

Knowing a storm was forecasted, I considered the possibility of the animal's behavior affecting the gate, but when I went to place it back on the hinges, I quickly realized that would not have been possible.  I could align one hinge, but not the other.  The only way to rehinge the gate was to prop up the side with the latch, so the hinged side could be "dropped down" on the hinge pegs.  This was a spiritual matter!   As I prayed about it, several things unfolded.

First, of course, there was confirmation on social media.  The number of people who were led that day to discuss the fact that Messiah is the gate or the door seemed in record number.  I was also reminded of a critical situation a few years ago.  I'm not crazy about all the metal fence posts, but it's what I have.  In the old days, wooden fence posts served as insulators through storms.  YHWH has revealed to me when to touch all this metal through lightening.  Only access the metal gates right after I hear the thunder . . . His voice thunders.

 A few years ago, a friend was visiting and it was raining.  She still wanted to tag along through my chore time, but that particular day, I had gone through the gate to get one of the milkers, I turned abruptly and told her not to touch that gate!  Within seconds, her eyes were like saucers.  She said, "I saw the electricity flow through the chain latch!"   When that reminder came, I knew I had to speak up about the unhinging, but I haven't had the words until now.

We are coming unhinged as a nation and as a people.  Many are not going to the Father properly through the gate or the door who is Messiah, therefore missing the Father.  Many are choosing their own interpretation and giving the enemy credit for what our Heavenly Father is actually doing to get our attention!  Many are actually fulfilling the words found in John 6:66.  From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.  The problems in America will not be resolved by legislation, politics, or religion!  There is one Way to the Father, and that is through His Son.  There is one way to The Son, and that is repentance at the foot of Calvary.  Faith in "the sinner's prayer" is faith in one's own words.  Teaching obedience while walking in our own definition, is hypocrisy.  Taking a stand against everything that is evil, is not enough!  We have to walk in and offer the complete and finished plan of YHWH.

As for judging, it's time to judge right from wrong, and the difference between right in our own eyes and His righteousness.  In this country, we don't know the difference between "blessing and mercy."  It's been a number of years, many more than five since this nation was blessed.  We have now pushed the envelope on His mercy.  Judgment has begun, and with no repentance, wrath will follow.  Time to read the book of Jeremiah.  If YHWH will do this to His chosen people, how much more severe will the wrath be for those who have taught religion for personal gain and mocked the very Word of our Creator!

Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of YHWH, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?   For we know Him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith ADONAI. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.   It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living Elohim.   Hebrews 10:29-31

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