Should we truly be so quick to pronounce someone to be a false prophet? Obviously, if it's against the Word, of course; but for those sounding the call to repentance, what is false about that? As I read the book of Jonah today, I had to wonder if Jonathan Cahn wasn't feeling the same way Jonah was in chapter 4. I was sorry to see him get wrapped up with Jim Bakker, as Bakker's reputation is clearly propheteering for profit. The message for America to repent, however; cannot be labeled false and is actually long overdue! As I read the 3rd chapter of Jonah, he did tell them the city would fall and although we don't have an exact date, the number of days was spoken, and yet . . . Nineveh didn't fall . . . They repented. From the depiction of Jonah's personality and all he'd already been through, I can't help but think there may have been a few naysayers just waiting for the 40 days to come and go without an event. But there was an event, a huge event of repentance.
Weave into the story now, and I'm not suggesting any removal of context, but just some realities that are stated in Scripture, Genesis 18 to be specific. In the conversation between El Shaddai and Abraham concerning Sodom and Gomorrah, it is stated quite clearly that the cities would be spared if only ten righteous could be found. Between America's greed and celebration of perversion, I'd say we compare closely to Sodom and Gomorrah. Now, as to all those who were waiting in judgment for Jonathan Cahn to be proven wrong, how do they know there weren't enough people praying intercession on behalf of this nation to stave off the fire and brimstone? Or simply, the time of wrath has not yet been delivered? I don't necessarily agree with everything Jonathan Cahn has said and written, but the call to repentance is clear and in 100% alignment with Holy Scripture.
While we are discussing the coming to pass of the word of warning or even be so bold as to say a modern day prophet, let me add this. Everything written in Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel has not yet come to pass, either. The Revelation is still in the very early chapters of fulfillment, but dare anyone call Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, or John; false? Yah forbid! I am well aware of what Deuteronomy says about a person who gives inaccurate information in the Name of YHWH, but seriously, we are not a Torah observant nation. Come, judgment day, we only have to get up, when our name is called. Obviously we should take note of missed dates and massive sales, but we truly don't know whose prayer of intercession may have moved Abba's heart for a few more days of mercy. On another note, this may actually be another method of sifting. Adonai sees our hearts. He knows who sits and waits for error and He knows who kneels in intercession.
As one who did pray intercession, even though I announced Operation Jade Helm 15 and the demise of the First Amendment, I'm still very thankful we are not being stopped at every corner to show our "papers." Even though I believe the surveillance and invasion of privacy is an outrage, I'm also thankful there has been no overt attack on American soil. I don't believe TSA or NSA has prevented that, I believe it has been the hand of YHWH in response to His people seeking Him. Here's just a little something to think about . . .
The latest raging debate and division is the determination of the Shemitah. Jonathan Cahn said it was this year, another author says 2016. I've experienced some loss of fellowship in the division, myself, but since I'm not in the land of Israel, I'm just not willing to jump on the band wagon of a Johnny Come Lately. I've seen a very clear pattern of global effect throughout most of last century and this one, so this past year seemed reasonable in my understanding. Besides, it just made sense to observe this same year as Israel, since they've held the records for years. Obviously with the differences, we can't all be right . . . Actually we can all disagree and still all be wrong! But waiting to call each other false is a scary judgmental place to be in these last days. John died and many more generations now have, without seeing the prophecy of the Revelation come to pass.
I believe there are still many things to occur before Messiah returns, but the momentum seems to be accelerating, so I won't be placing a time frame or date based upon current events. I do know, we are seeing the Bible fulfilled right before us.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. ~ words of Messiah
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