Lovers of self, do often find a partner, but they are unconcerned with the feelings of the other, and ultimately, the giving partner, in order to emotionally survive either gets away or goes into "survivor mode." Even early on, these relationships are very, very one sided in the give and take, but it generally goes unnoticed as narcissists seek a giving person. The giver, gives and gives, attempting to show love and hoping for it to be returned, but the love is never mutually expressed or displayed.
In Paul's second letter to Timothy, he mentioned . . . in the end of days, men(human beings) would be lovers of themselves.
Perversion is being celebrated on many levels. Regardless of the label, every perverse definition of real love is a form of "self exaltation" in which one individual or minority insists that they must be accommodated above and beyond what they are willing to do in accommodating others. I had a theory that homosexuality was simply finding someone as close to one's self as possible. So far, that theory has not been disproven, which would account for the "style of the partner" as well as the number of partners. I have also raised the thought that the high amount of soy in the diet, especially baby formula may indeed be contributing to the feminization of young men. My theory on lesbianism is a bit different, in that it appears to be based upon hurt or disappointment in men, so the "love for another woman" is actually rooted in a negative emotion, of some sort of emotional self preservation. I truly believe there is a spiritual answer to address the issues that are much deeper than a demonstration of sexual attraction and activity. With that being said, I'll move along to the latest trend of transgenderism.
Transgenderism is not only perversion, it is a blatant denial of reality, and those promoting this cause are ready to make everyone's life miserable if their delusion is not accommodated, even applauded. Transgender folks seem to want more than "equal rights." Fighting over use of the bathroom in schools is absolutely ludicrous. Bathrooms should be anatomically correct. Those who insist upon special accommodations, should accept the special accommodations of a private facility. Why not just have three bathrooms; men's, women's, and transgender? It is not, I repeat, it is not discrimination to label bathrooms according to anatomy. Bathrooms according to anatomy is based upon science, very basic science! I'm just saddened and sickened at the parents who encourage their very young children in this denial of reality. When I was three, I wanted to be invisible. That desire did not make it a reality, not at all. While the world applauds Bruce Jenner, calling him a woman; they'd have me committed if I insisted everyone pretend they can't see me. The person on the cover of Vanity Fair is no more a woman, than the framed "image of nothing" is a self-portrait.

There is another perversion in this land, as well. That is marriages, legal marriages in which one or both spouses withhold their affection from the other. There may be no adultery involved, and rather than unfaithful, the marriages are simply faithLESS without intimacy. Marriages in which the wife has no respect for the husband or the husband provides no covering for the wife. In all the marriage, divorce, and redefinition by our society and our government, perversion has also entered the hterosexual marriage bed. Of course, when a man and a woman marry, it's only "natural" to expect the love to be mutual, and the intimacy to be protected. Sadly, in many situations, that is simply not the case. Others often have priority over a spouse, which erodes the bond, and cruelty is cloaked as honesty, which brings us full circle back to the first paragraph. Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:24-25
Unless our society gets back to the true meaning of love, perversion will continue to gain momentum in every aspect of our culture. Narcissism may be a fairly new term, but "lovers of self" has centuries of history, and it is the foundation of every false love and perverse relationship our society now exalts.
So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27
Transgenderism is not only perversion, it is a blatant denial of reality, and those promoting this cause are ready to make everyone's life miserable if their delusion is not accommodated, even applauded. Transgender folks seem to want more than "equal rights." Fighting over use of the bathroom in schools is absolutely ludicrous. Bathrooms should be anatomically correct. Those who insist upon special accommodations, should accept the special accommodations of a private facility. Why not just have three bathrooms; men's, women's, and transgender? It is not, I repeat, it is not discrimination to label bathrooms according to anatomy. Bathrooms according to anatomy is based upon science, very basic science! I'm just saddened and sickened at the parents who encourage their very young children in this denial of reality. When I was three, I wanted to be invisible. That desire did not make it a reality, not at all. While the world applauds Bruce Jenner, calling him a woman; they'd have me committed if I insisted everyone pretend they can't see me. The person on the cover of Vanity Fair is no more a woman, than the framed "image of nothing" is a self-portrait.

There is another perversion in this land, as well. That is marriages, legal marriages in which one or both spouses withhold their affection from the other. There may be no adultery involved, and rather than unfaithful, the marriages are simply faithLESS without intimacy. Marriages in which the wife has no respect for the husband or the husband provides no covering for the wife. In all the marriage, divorce, and redefinition by our society and our government, perversion has also entered the hterosexual marriage bed. Of course, when a man and a woman marry, it's only "natural" to expect the love to be mutual, and the intimacy to be protected. Sadly, in many situations, that is simply not the case. Others often have priority over a spouse, which erodes the bond, and cruelty is cloaked as honesty, which brings us full circle back to the first paragraph. Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:24-25
Unless our society gets back to the true meaning of love, perversion will continue to gain momentum in every aspect of our culture. Narcissism may be a fairly new term, but "lovers of self" has centuries of history, and it is the foundation of every false love and perverse relationship our society now exalts.
So Elohim created man in his own image, in the image of Elohim created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27
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