Monday, December 14, 2015

The Battle Lines Are Drawn

Americans are up in arms and of course, divided on the subject of Syrian Refugees.  As I watch some of the professing Christians make posts, anticipating their persecution, I'm having trouble.  Supposedly, internet platforms and social media hosts have spoken out in support of Islam.  This news has ruffled more than a few American feathers, but in reality, the religious Americans claiming Biblical beliefs are so far from united, and so busy arguing with each other, how could they be persecuted as a group?  And how would they know who was actually persecuting them?

I've had many Christians come to my home, use my hospitality, only to disagree with me religiously.  Some have even said I'm legalistic and in danger of losing my salvation.  I've also hosted folks who claimed to be Christians searching for Torah truth, only for them down the road, to contact me denying Messiah, while claiming to embrace Torah.  Much of mainstream Judaism and Christianity have embraced the Gay Agenda, so will the Muslim persecution be because of their religion or gay rights?  In Muslim countries, gays are killed.  I still haven't figured out how the left wing plans to support both Islam and LGBT . . . Nor can I understand how the right wing can possibly pull their denominations together, except to unite on what they are against.  That doesn't sound like much of an actual direction . . .

Then there are the Torah observant believers all talking about unity, while actually appearing to disagree on most every detail.  The rabbis and teachers are abundant and everyone has correction to offer.  Oh, I almost forgot the percentage of those who call Paul a false apostle.  I can't omit the polygamists that are trying to gain traction.  Actually the term is supposed to be polygynists, as only men can have multiple wives, where polygamy is not gender specific.  I don't know how these polygynists justify teaching and leadership when the letter to Timothy clearly states a man with more than one wife is not to even be a deacon, much less a congregational leader.  

As a Torah observant follower of Messiah, I'd like to say this.  Finding fellowship is already nearly impossible.  I have enjoyed fellowship with those in traditional Judaism and learned a great deal.  I also enjoy some Christian fellowship, although I now know, many do not appreciate my fellowship . . . but to have full access beyond geography of "supposed" like minded/spirited folk, only to find continual debates, differences and accused error regularly posted is beyond disheartening.  I see now why so many question Paul's authenticity.  When he listed the gifts of the spirit, he failed to include the gift of criticism.  When he listed the fruits of the spirit, he clearly failed to mention the fruit of condescension.

I've been schooled by social media Torah teachers as to how to be a student.  I've been analyzed by amateur psychologists, and corrected by Christians with self-proclaimed titles.  I simply do not see how anyone can truly believe another religion is going to figure out what we believe when we can't agree on anything.

What if Ephesians 6:12 really isn't talking about a defeated devil that is neither ominpresent nor omniscent?  What if in Ephesians 6:12, principalities could be translated " religious ideology?"  Powers could be the various denominations, sects, and cults across all religions and political parties?  Rulers of darkness could be the staunch adherents of self exaltation. . . . atheism, hedonism, and narcissism come to mind . . .  What if spiritual wickedness in high places is nothing more than the powers that be introducing Torah rebellion, division on every level in every faction, causing the chaos that will lead the way to the outcry of the masses for a new world order with one leader; the false Messiah?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  Ephesians 6:12

Whether my "what ifs" are accurate or not, we do need to realize there is no answer outside of the Creator of the Universe, who can only be approached through His Son.  The Word of our Creator stands forever, so it's far past high time to stop teaching against full obedience to His Commandments, and realize our own interpretation is in fact doing what is right in our own eyes, which is rebellion.  It is completely possible that the Syrian "refugees" in America are exactly what Israel's enemies were in the Old Testament, punishment for rebellion against The Word.  The Word  is Torah and the Word in the flesh is Messiah.

 The Elohim of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.  II Samuel 22:3

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