Monday, November 30, 2015

Is Insurance the Antonym of Faith?

I simply cannot help but wonder how our Creator sees all of our methods of financial security and protection.  I realize we do have to insure "stuff" that could damage another person or another person's "stuff," due to the excess of laws and lawyers, but I'm talking about the acceptance that we need insurance and care for our bodies beyond what Adonai has promised.  I was speaking with someone recently, who was very vocal in their disdain of the Affordable Care Act along side Medicare.

For so many folks of faith to have such strong feelings against the current administration, perhaps it's time to realize this current administration could be the last "wake up call!"  Perhaps it's time to reevaluate just what it means to "come out from among them and be separate."  We've really mingled the promises of the Word with the wisdom of man for far too long.  Isaiah tells us the ways of our Creator are not our ways and Paul confirmed that with "the wisdom of man is but foolishness to Elohim."  So why do so many insist that our Creator needs so much help to keep us sheltered, safe, and healthy?  It crept in slowly and rather slithery . . . seemingly helpful.

We insure our homes . . . but not really.  What is insured is the mortgage.  In case the house was damaged, the loan would be covered.  Then was added "contents insurance."  Not only was the mortgage insured, but the "stuff" could be replaced.  Now since, our Creator doesn't bless debt, insurance seems like a good safety net, but what if we actually lived according to our Creator's plan?  What if we lived within our means?  I'm not saying a mortgage is sin, but most mortgages these days are for houses well beyond excessive!  There is also the concept to consider that any weather related insurance might not be necessary, if we honored our Creator.

 As for car insurance, most states require that to license a vehicle.  I've read there are ways around it, but to be honest, I feel it's simpler to just pay the minimal requirement.  I know Adonai protects His children, but I'm well aware there are many on the road who are not children of G-d.  For me, it's simpler to pay insurance every six months, than to keep track of changing laws that govern those who prefer to not pay for auto insurance.

Moving right along to life insurance.  That marketing concept is a misnomer.  I've yet to see anyone pay enough premiums to maintain their life, and of course, unlike houses and cars, life cannot be replaced.  Life insurance could actually be better termed, "income insurance," for beneficiaries, or burial insurance for next of kin.  There is no insurance and no amount of money to guarantee life!  Basically this "product," yes insurance is now a product . . . Life insurance is marketed to provide for a family in the untimely death of the breadwinner, cover funeral costs, and it's really come to replace inheritance, or pay off the medical bills, which brings me to the next insurance that has pervaded our existence.

 Health insurance, insures high cost coverage, or used to . . . Now it seems to have been redesigned to determine who receives health care coverage.  The health insurance industry now determines who receives health care, where, and to what extent.  Obviously health care has been a controlling power for some time and the pharmaceutical industry is the biggest money maker in the economy, I believe, so it only makes sense the government would collude with the insurance industry.  We have so many promises of health and healing in Scripture, I'm just not sure how modern health care and insurance ever made it's way into inclusion in a life of faith.  Why are we willing to pay such high premiums, and huge out of pocket expenses, to manage our symptoms, when we could be healed and made whole?

We should really give serious consideration to how our Heavenly Father may view all of our "extras."  Do we really need the huge houses and so much stuff?  He is our provider, or offers to be.  The hamster wheel existence really does seem contraindicated in Scripture.  Our entire existence seems to have become beyond what anyone can actually pay for themselves.  When did we move away from simple funerals and inheritances?  Nobody should be worth more dead than alive!  The G-d of Scripture is the g-d of the living.  As for health care, perhaps if we actually returned to the dietary and rest Instructions, we'd find our "need" for health care to be greatly diminished.

Torah Instructions and Messiah's death and resurrection should be all the insurance we need.  
If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  II Chronicles 7:14

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