Monday, July 22, 2013

Some of This Seems Recognizable

I'm not going to go into detail of the curses, like I did the blessings for two reasons.  One, the curses are numerous and we unfortunately have the visuals in our current events.  Two, it just breaks my heart as I mourn the potential that could have been . . .

As the verses following 28:20 unfold, it's becomes painfully clear that we have presumptuously claimed the blessings, and now we will reap the harvest of that presumptuous greedy demand.  The problem is, the religion that taught the prosperity heresy is powerless.

The number of cattle in this country has dropped dramatically due to cost of feed and drought, which means the offspring of the herds are also diminished, as well as what we've all noticed, the price of beef is outrageous.  Sadly, we can also see the government's control of the potential outbreak of BSE hasn't made the herds safer at all, and has actually reduced the number of ranchers and increased costs.  Other problems have hit and the one the powers that be were chasing and trying to control is not even an issue!

I'm persuaded that Big Business and Monsanto may be the pestilence that is consuming our land.  Not allowing the land to rest, and working it 24/7 is disobedience; which results in the curses rather than the blessings.  Our Creator may very well use the products of our own arrogance to bring us down.  Misuse and handling of the land, results in "too much concrete" and depleted soil, which results in poor quality crops.  Poor nutrition always leads to illness and as we've already seen with the "wisdom of man," super antibiotics, super pesticides, and super insecticides all lend to the mutation process of the survival of super-bugs!

Health care is not providing health, only symptom management and we are literally blind to that fact.  Blindness is another curse mentioned in the list, as is heart problems, and mental health issues.  Heart disease is the number one killer in America, and the DSM 5-R was just published.  We can easily look around and see, as a nation, our health is not based upon the promised blessings of our Creator.

We, as a nation, have become so blind to our situation, most seem to truly not be able to see that we have misinterpreted and demanded one promise out of context, while continuing to justify disobedience.  We have arrogantly chosen rebellion and are now paying the price.  This nation isn't under attack for our faith or our freedom, we're experiencing the curses for our rebellion and disobedience.

YHWH shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goes to possess it. . . . YHWH shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart:      Deuteronomy 28:21,28

Even though our nation has made this choice, we as individuals are still invited to repent.  The first 12 verses of this chapter are still in Scripture!

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