Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Be Ready"

When Y'hshuwah said, "Be ready."  What did He really mean?  I've been pondering this greatly as of late.  We are told of many things that will take place as the end of days unfold.  As we begin to see these events take place, what should we do to "be ready?"  I know, we are to look up for our redemption draws nigh, but . . . since Y'hshuwah also said it would be as in the days of Noah, it could be 100 years between the Second Coming and what was referenced in Genesis 6:5  And G-d saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.   I'm not saying that will be the case, but since the days of Noah were referenced by the One coming back, and He was already in existence at that time, it could be more literal than we realize.

All sorts of evil and wickedness is described in Scripture, but there is no indication that it ever got as bad as in the days of Noah, again.  The tribulation is prophesied to be the worst time ever seen on earth, so what are we doing to "be ready" besides some planning to be raptured, some planning on manna, and those planning to "bug out."  Are any of these plans, really plans to "be ready?"  In all honesty, I don't have the "be ready" plan in detail, either, but I'm picturing a lifestyle between the book of Acts and Genesis chapters 6-9, minus the flood.

There is no mention in either section of Scripture of laying up large stores of ammunition.  "Ready" to feed people and critters are both mentioned, however, and that will require some forethought and preparation.  When buying and selling requires the mark of the beast, a trip to the grocery store will be either useless or at the expense of one's soul, and that's presuming there are groceries available.  We know the Apostles preached repentance, and Hebrews 11 indicates Noah may have done the same thing as he built the ark.

When I first made the note to write an article entitled "Be Ready," I wasn't really sure where YHWH would take this.  This is the first I've ever considered that there is a distinct record of the time of preparation.  I'm not suggesting at all that there is another 100 years, to be lackadaisical, because Y'hshuwah also mentioned "except the days be shortened . . ."

The instructions had to be clear, as to prevent any leaks in keeping that zoo afloat.  To "be ready" will involve our continued looking up and listening to know how to be ready.  Genesis 6:8 states that Noah found grace . . . then Genesis 6 continues to record that he received very specific instructions in building that ark, raising and gathering the feed that would be needed, and rounding up the animals.  In all the uncertainties around us, we can be sure of two things.  We serve the same G-d that Noah did, and Messiah is coming back.

By faith Noah, being warned of G-d of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.  Hebrews 11:7

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