Sunday, November 3, 2013

Instructions / Believe / Results

When did humanity stop expecting results in their beliefs?  Oh, I know, everyone still prays, but . . . It really seems, whether it's Judaism or Christianity the congregants write a check, go through a certain number of established motions, listen to a condensed reading with an expanded explanation or better yet, illustration, and that's "beliefs."  Beliefs and the word faith have become somewhat interchangeable in usage, but other than both of them being nouns, there is a difference.  Beliefs can be very generalized, even vague.  Faith is specific and directed.

The beginning question is not rhetorical, I believe I have the answer to that question and the instructions to results.

What we have done is place our faith in our beliefs.  It goes downhill from there . . . Our "beliefs" may or may not be relevant to what we actually believe.  "Beliefs" is a noun.  A noun is a person, place, or thing.  A belief can basically be something that is picked up, dusted off, put on, and laid down.  Believe, on the other hand; is a verb.  Believe is an action word.

Wow, English was certainly not my long suit AT ALL.  All of my English credits in school were in Creative Writing and Journalism.  To this day, all glory goes to YHWH; I am an author who cannot diagram a sentence.  I am clueless to the difference between a conjunction and a dangling participle, and I have no idea how many commas to which a sentence should be limited, but I can spell and I know a noun is a person, place or thing and a verb is an action word.  Believe is a verb!  That means it is an action, not that it requires action, although it can; that depends upon the instructions.

When we say we believe something, that implies action.  For example:  I believe the owner's manual in the glove compartment gives insight and instruction regarding my vehicle.  When I wanted to remove the middle seats or lay down the back ones, or do anything for that matter; I looked at the manual to read how it is done.  For some things, it worked great, for one item, I couldn't "make it happen," so I went to the place where I got it.  The gentleman was very kind and patient.  He went over the manual with me.  He showed me a step I had missed, and voila.  Problem solved.

I could have determined to place faith in "my beliefs" which amounts to "they just don't make cars like they used to" and that would be true, but I would be missing out on so much!  I went by the instructions and got results on most things, when I couldn't figure instructions, I asked.  I asked the man who could give me a demonstration . . . I can do it now . . .Results!

YHWH has graciously given us Instructions for everything in life.  Our faith must be in Him, rather than our "beliefs."  When we read John 3:16 and nearly everyone can quote it.  The word "believe" is a verb, it is action in our life, in our prayer life, in every aspect of our life.  His Son, Y'hshuwah, had not yet died in John 3:16, but He was living the Instructions.  He is the living Instruction and He produced results.  Later in that same book Messiah promises those who "believe" will do greater works than He did, because He goes to the Father, who is greater than He.

The question is not whether we believe IN Messiah.  The question is simply, "Do we believe ON Messiah?"  Do we believe the Messiah who is Torah in the flesh [Instructions] produce Results?  We can be entrenched IN our beliefs and belief system or we can be ON the narrow path . . .

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