Sunday, November 10, 2013

Having a Say

I'll admit, as someone who is frequently trying to sound a warning or offer alternative ideas to the system, I probably sound like I'm complaining. So today, in the big announcement of a new business in media, I'm going to clear the air and share a fact or two from my own perspective of hope.  You are welcome to disagree and voice said disagreement, because this new business is truly an attempt to maintain free speech, freedom of the press, and keep Congress from making any laws about religion.

Goshen Media, LLC truly did become a business after I read some Senator's comments regarding  people who should not be covered in the First amendment, like 17 year old drop outs with a website, and somebody sitting home in their jammies writing a blog, and various other things I read.  Now whether or not everything I read can be substantiated, I have to b honest, the 17 year old drop out with a website was enough to motivate me to protect the First Amendment in any way I could.  The amendments are too valuable to let Congress shred them!  And they have the nerve to refer to this legislative attack on our First Amendment, the "Shield Law!"

The Constitution protects our government from other powers and maintains the USA as a Sovereign nation.  The Bill of Rights protects the citizens from the government!  We do not want that slipping away.  Now, as for my spiritual beliefs in this matter.  I do not vote.  I used to.  I used to be very politically active, until I was convicted about being set a part in the direction of this country.  I truly do believe the leaders are pre-determined.  I wish I didn't, but the fact that I do makes me a very ineffective voter.  I honestly do not think it makes any difference.

I do think my writing does make a difference, however; and I was willing to put my money where my mouth is and pay the registration fee and taxes to be a media entity.  As a minister, I do not believe in 501c3.  Y'hshuwah paid a tax, and so shall I.  As a matter of fact, the prophecy in Micah, concerning Messiah's birth place as Bethlehem was fulfilled when his parents were there to pay their taxes.  It is my conviction that to be set apart, voting isn't for me.  That's where the majority believe they have a say.  I believe I have a say, protecting the First Amendment.  I'm long past 17 and my attire is irrelevant but it is my call to continue writing books, blogs, an internet publication and hosting a website that shares the Good News.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that brings good tidings, that publishes peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publishes Y'hshuwah; that saith unto Zion, Thy G-d reigns!  Prophet of Holy Scripture

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