Most Americans have been born into a general feeling of superiority or spurned victimhood, and either way, it's pride. We, as a country, "boast" of American pride, while crying about something! We have pride in our military, pride in our culture, pride in our economy, pride in our spirit, and yet pride is the opposite of humility and gratitude. We have become a collective nation of prideful whiners.
Seems we all have found a way to intertwine our superior victimhood as of late and that will take this country completely down. I'll begin with myself and go from there. I am of Native American ancestry. Undoubtedly my ancestors received very poor treatment by the immigrants of yesteryear. I've attended many gatherings in which there is a promotion of Native pride, while also making note of the poverty on the reservations.The Trail of Tears will simply never be forgotten, and somehow Native pride is more meaningful because we've been so mistreated . . . Moving right along, we have the American Jewish population.
The American Jewish population is also a tribal people and proud of their "chosenness!" Although the children of Israel were blessed to be the bookkeepers of the most powerful Book ever known; for the most part, they've opted for the written ordinances in the Talmud. To elevate Talmud to the level of Torah, or even exult it above has been a grave error that has gone on for over 2,400 years. Like the Native Americans, they also have their deep belief that they are oppressed because they are chosen. The descendants of Israel, have undoubtedly been oppressed, but if they'd just follow the real Instructions, there'd be no power that could stand against them. It's in writing!
American Christians are certainly not to be left out of this victimhood of superiority. They truly believe in their interpretation of the writings of Paul, and that his writings render Torah obsolete. The interpretation of Paul's writings are also believed to better explain the purpose of Messiah, than Messiah himself could do. Next, they believe that everyone who doesn't believe what they believe are ruining the country. American Christians will proclaim that this nation was founded on Christian principles, and the early settlers were seeking religious freedom. The truth of the matter is, the Revolutionary War began over taxation.
Black Liberation Theology is much more recent, historically speaking, but as we know from the 2008 presidential election, this movement also has prideful victimhood as it's foundation. All, I really know about this theology are the video clips and sound bytes of Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Without a doubt, slavery was a horrible part of American history, but current events clearly indicate the color of one's skin does not determine any public limitations. Obviously, racism continues to exist in the hearts and minds of some, and that condition is not exclusive to one color of skin, but the condition of the heart cannot be changed by law.
America now has gay pride, also openly based upon victimhood.
The simple fact of the matter is, pride will take a nation down, and professed oppression or victimhood simply eliminates the motivation to make a difference. In reality, each and every one of us should be humbly grateful that we have the opportunities we do. None of us have the opportunities we have by our own doing. What is within our control, is what we do with the opportunities we've been given.
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. a Proverb of Holy Scripture
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